Monday, September 14, 2015

In My Opinion: Why Donald Trump shouldn't be president

Hello people of the Internet! I don't want Mr. Trump to become our next commander and chief because of something I don't like about him but because of the thing I do like about him: How strongly he believes in his opinions. You can call him alot of things-sexist, racist, painfully archaic in his world views-but you have to admit that Donald Trump is a man who mostly says what he means and means what he says and will go to any lengths necessary in order to accomplish a goal; which is a refreshing and rare quality in todays politicians. One of my greatest pet peeves about the government is how a group or person can be willing to die fighting for a cause one second and then wiling to die fighting against it the next.

I'm talking to you democrats!
Even when his opinions are beyond wrong it would be a snowball's chance in hell for Mr. Trump to go back on them....which is where the problem arises. While this type of stubbornness works in the corporate world from which Mr. Trump hails from that is because the final say in a company's fate rest solely on the decision on the person who created and/or owns it. There are ways to make change happen, but the majority of them involve getting the boss to change his mind which is not the case in the American government. 


Although I believe our founding fathers have literally written us into a political corner on some issues they also made sure that the only way any one could change them-be they the president or a simple college blogger-is if they gather, or convince, enough people to agree with their opinion. We're not a direct democracy but we are a society that strongly believes that the views, opinions, and beliefs of all its citizens have a right to be listened to as well as respected which is something that Mr. Trump has yet to show he can do. Like with most opinionated people-myself included-Mr. Trump has a hard time accepting criticism be it constructive or spiteful, and has reacted to it in a fashion that is not only in bad taste but can be down right bratty.

The US has preached about the merit of people choosing their leader so strongly we are often judge as a whole based on the actions of our elected leader. This means that they can't give out the personal numbers of their rivals, or decline to attend a meeting they deem "is not worth their time", or make offensive and racist generalizations on a whole group. I'm not saying that they have to be complete push overs but a president must know when to fight and when to let things go since their reaction can be the only thing standing between the well being of their people and war. 

That's all I have to say so until next post I ask that you Live well, Laugh often, and Love much.

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