Friday, December 2, 2016

My Thoughts On: Star Vs the Forces of Evil

Hello people of the Internet! Man has 2016 sucked! There have been so many awful events occurring during this year that I have deliberately stayed away from this blog to keep it from sounding like a fragmented suicide note.
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Now with this flaming train wreck of an election finally over I feel safe enough to return to you readers and talk about a new hidden gem I recently stumbled upon called:
 Star vs the Forces of Evil logo.png
A cartoon created in 2015 by Disney the show's premise is based on the done-to-death anime trope of a magical princess who is forced to flee from her kingdom to the mundane, non magical, realm of earth where she teams up with an ordinary guy to fight the monsters and baddies that come after her. However the show sets itself apart do to the fact that its main character, Star Butterfly, is a hot mess.
Image result for star vs the forces of evil rainbow gif
And I mean that literally
Star didn't have to leave her dimension because she was in danger, she had to leave her dimension because she was the danger. On her fourteenth birthday Star inherited a magical wand from her mother and after abusing its power almost immediately, via setting the castle on fire, her parents decided to send her to earth so that she could learn some discipline while keeping from hurting people.

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From her own dimension, the people of earth are pretty much fair game. Her companion on this new adventure is fourteen year old Marco Diaz who at first seemed like the standard "normal guy thrown into a crazy situation against his will". He's as the "safe kid" , a distinction he embodies fully yet hates whole heartily, and is desperate to rid himself of. When I was watching this show I thought that it was going to be one of those be-careful-what-you-wished-for type deals with Marco being overwhelmed at the sight of the first monster that came after Star, but I was taken by surprise yet again.
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Star didn't grant Marco those fighting skills through magic, or by some ancient prophecy, he knew how to do it through years of work and you guys have no idea just how refreshing this was to me. In the last decade shows, books and, movies have been doing their best to break down gender bias by including female characters that do more than just be the damsel the male heroes need to save. Don't get me wrong, I love that they do this, but I hate it when they execute this idea by lazily making the male characters cowardly, weaker, or just plane dumber than the female ones. Like Kevin from the Ghostbusters reboot.
Image result for kevin from ghostbusters
Words can not properly describe how much I hate this character! 
If written right I can enjoy a character who's as dumb as a box of hair but Kevin.....I don't think that he should have lived past the age of ten. To this day I am still perplexed as to why he was written like this, his presence meshed with the chemistry of the other characters like peanut butter and sour pickles and I felt like I was watching an intellectual version of black face every time he was on screen. This is why I love Star and Marco's relationship. Although they are opposites they are still equal to each other, and have enough in common to make their friendship feel believable. 

That's all I got to say on this so until my next post I hope that you Live well, Laugh often, and Love much. 

Pics and Gifs