Monday, February 24, 2014

What the hell is wrong with Jessie?

Greetings people of the internet and welcome to my third blog post! Now the title of this post is not referring to a person or even the name "Jessie" but to the Disney TV show of the same name. Created in 2011 Jessie fallows the misadventures of Jessie-played by Debbie Ryan-a young Texan girl who soon after moving to New York becomes the nanny to the Ross children: Emma, Luke, Ravi, and Zuri. Now even though they won't win an Oscar any time soon the actors do a decent job on this show and albeit corny I did find a couple of the jokes genuinely humors and the situation Jessie and the kids get into interesting.  So what's my beef you ask? Well it can be found in the shows very first episode. You see, before Jessie the Ross children would torment all previous nannies until they quit in order to get the attention of their parents, Morgan and Christine Ross, who are too wrapped up in their movie and fashion carriers to notice them.
Of course this doesn't sit well with Jessie who gets on a big soap box on how the parents need to be actual parents to their kids and stop ignoring them. By the end of the episode the parents-played by Charles Esten and Christina Moor-agree with her and promise to be with their children more. Now judging by this episode I assumed  that the show would be about Jessie-of course-helping Mr and Mrs. Ross be better parents and connect with their children, but I was horribly wrong! In the three seasons- each with twenty-six episodes so far-this show has been running I have counted at the most five times the parents have been shown, or even mentioned on screen! And when they are they mostly are there to help out-or having something important to them ruined by-Jessie!
And you know what's the most messed up about it? NONE OF THE OTHER CAST CARES! The four kids-who were willing to cause physical harm to countless innocent women just for a pinch of their parents time-and Jessie-who risked her job and only source of income to get them to straighten their act-don't even acknowledged that they are still breathing!
I know Disney has a vendetta against parents, moms in particular, but if  the problem for your TV show's first episode is to make a big deal of how parents should take care their children then you need to show them doing that in the episodes that follow! Especially with how messed up the kids are.
Now I know that they're not real but my mind can't help but think about how scarred and trouble these kids are going to be when they grow up: Emma is a self absorbed ditz obsessed with fashion and other materialistic things. Luke is a chronic rule breaker who finds a disturbing amount of joy in tormenting his siblings, staff, and neighbors. Ravi's only friend is a giant Asian water monitor lizard and Zuri is a little too manipulative about the lives of her elders.
Also out of the four only Emma is the Ross's biological child and the rest having been adopted-Ravi their newest child from India-so you already know they have some form of emotional baggage. If these kids existed in the real world they would cause so much trouble in their teens and adulthood that TMZ would have to create a whole new series just to cover them! And all of these warning signs are brushed off as "rambunctious" and "quirky"  by Jessie the other adults in these kids lives!
 I don't think that any parents who use a nanny are bad people but when you have a family dynamic like the one shown in this show, where the parents are nothing more than a plot device, you have a big problem!
Before I go I beg that anyone reading this swears that when you and your significant other decide you want to bring a child into this world keep in mind and accept that he or she will be your responsibility-hopefully-for eighteen years.
See you guys later.

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