Monday, April 21, 2014

New teeth

Hello people of the internet! Last night I had the weirdest dream: In it I was in a forest after running away from the Spartans from three hundred-and no that wasn't the wired part-when all of a sudden my teeth start falling out! At first I tasted the coppery tang of blood and then when I felt something crunch between my molars I spat it out and low and behold there was my teeth.
For some reason it was only the two middle front ones on the bottom but I was still freaked out and tried to put them back in. They'd hold in the holes for a minute but with another gush of blood they'd be knocked out again and tried to go down my throat. At this point I was scarred and started running around the forest with my two bloody teeth, which I now carried on a small Dixie plate, desperately looking for someone to help me. As I ran harsh wind kept hitting at me, knocking the plate out of my hand and forcing me to crawl around in the dirt for my teeth.
After, what seemed like, hours of this I found a building-that looked like a dinner-and ran towards it. But just as I was about to open the dinner door I felt my teeth growing back in. Not only that but when I reached in my mouth to feel them I realized that the two new teeth were straighter and cleaner than the old ones. Happy about my new, gap less, smile I threw away the Dixie plate with my old teeth and walked away from the dinner.
I had another dream after that but I can't remember what happened in it and when I woke I hoped on my phone looking for the meaning behind that dream. I had heard that when your teeth fall out in your dream it means you're stressed about something or about to get some money but I had  never heard about teeth growing back. After a quick Google search I found this  on Yahoo answers by beatlefan:

Teeth dreams are very common, and have many meanings, so you have to look at the action going on around this symbol to find a meaning. In this dream, your teeth fall out, but they are replaced by new teeth, this is a good dream. What is a time in your life when this happens? When you are a little child growing up into a teenager. As this happens in real life, when it happens in dreams, old teeth falling out to make way for new teeth means you are growing and reaching a new level of maturity in your life. 

When I'd read that it was like a piece to a puzzle fell in place. Yesterday, on Easter, I had gotten into a fight with my mom and elder sister and had stormed out of the house. In a pair of salmon colored flats I'd stomped over to a small park and sat on a bench fuming for a whole hour, texting my sister angry messages  like how my life was stuck in a loop and that I always stopped myself from being completely honest with them.
My reluctance and guilt were the teeth and even though my mouth-which I guess was my life-kept pushing them out I kept trying to put them back in because I was scared of what I would have after they were gone. But a part of me knew I needed to get rid of the emotional I had been lugging around for the last ten years before I could move on. Even if it meant that I would being moving on with a huge gap in my teeth.

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