Friday, April 18, 2014

WTF!: Twinz TV kidnapping prank

Hello people of the internet and welcome to a new segment of my blog I call: WTF! Basically this is where I talk about something so shocking it made me scream the aforementioned acronym when I first heard about it. Now, do you remember last  April fools eve when I warned you not to paink? Well now I'm warning you not to p-stage-a-kidnapping-at-a-park-in-front-of-a-dozen-moms-and-their-children-most-likely-scarring-them-for-life-and-try-to weasel-your-way-out-of-possible-jail-time-by-claiming-it-was-all-for-awareness-about-kidnapping-ank. Yeah I know it's a little wired but it's something that needs to be said because apparently on Saturday 5:30 pm two ass holes did exactly that. Their names are Jeremy and Jason Holden, a pair of twin you tubers who make their mark on the internet with shocking pranks like the ones mentioned above.
I'm not sure if the toddler they snatched was a cousin, nephew, or kid of a friend but one of them jumped out of a van, wearing a mask, snatched the kid off the bench then ran back to the van with a bunch of mom in hot pursuit. If you want more on the story you can read about it here and if you know these two jackasses do me, and the rest of the world a favor, and punch them in the junk as hard as you physically can!
I mean, what is wrong with your brain if you think that simulating every parent's worst nightmare would be funny? And I know they said it was all for awareness but I'm calling total bullshit on that! I just can't stop thinking of what could have gone wrong: what if one of those moms had a gun? Or there was a police officer had a gun and they shot at them. Or what if while they were driving off they got into an accident?
I'm really praying that these guys go to jail or at least be banned from any park or area where children meet.

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