Friday, August 22, 2014

Moving into college

Hello people of the Internet! There are two reasons why I have been absent from the Internet for the past week:
  1. My Toshiba touch screen laptop-which I treated with the same caution and care I would my first born child-popped the screws on the bottom causing it to open up at the seams every time I lift the lid.
  2. I have been too stressed out by the major cluster fuck known as moving into the dorm to think about writing a single sentence!
You see my college gives students their own e-mail accounts on outlook so that they can talk to their professors, receive important notices, and other such thing. Now, I don't know why but for some reason after my first year of college ended I couldn't log into my e-mail account. No matter what I did I just couldn't get in so I decided to let it go and have it fixed by the campus text support when I moved in. Fast forward to the Sunday of August seventeenth when I arrived back to the dormitories to move into my new two person suite.

Really I was supposed to move in on the fifteenth but the car acted up and the housing office said I could move in on another day just as long as I came to them and got a temporary key card to get into the room. So while my mom unloaded the car I went inside to get my key, and that was where my problems began. Not only had I forgotten to sing up for the student loans that would pay for my housing but because I couldn't get into my email account I couldn't get the contract I'd have to sign to be able to move in!

I was crushed but was still hopeful. For even though I had lost my two bedroom their were still some rooms opened that I could have if I singed up for the loans. So for the next two days my mom and I had to get up at six o'clock in the morning in order to make my eight am classes while at the same time dealing with my financial aid. Thankfully on Wednesday all the paper work went through and I was able to move into a twelve person suite.

Yes, you read right, I now have eleven roommates. They get a little loud-and I think one of them might have a Taser-but it's really not that bad. That's all I have to say about so until next post Live well, Laugh often, and Love much.

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