Monday, August 11, 2014

The weird thing about post apocalyptic America

Hello people of the Internet! Recently I watched the latest  young-adult-post-apocalyptic-romance craze known as Divergent. Created by Veronica Roth Divergent tells the story of Beatrice "Trish" Prior a teen girl who lives in a society where the people are separated into five, known as fractions, based on their personalities. But unlike everyone else Trish is a divergent meaning that she's not all nice, smart, or brave. I have a lot to say about the movie but for this post I want to talk about something it made me realize.

 Now I don't know if you guys have noticed but America in these post-apocalyptic movie is unusually isolated from the rest of the world. The characters won't trade with, contact, or even acknowledged the fact that there are other groups of people just across the ocean. This makes sense in movies where the technology to do so has been wiped out like in Mad Max or The Book of Eli , but what about the movies where the new society is more technologically advance than the old?

Panem had the ability to make talking birds but they couldn't give England a ring when their people started revolting against them? You could argue that during the horrifying war that created these societies our allies became our enemies but
If that's true why aren't they still? The conflict in these worlds is usually kept within the society; England doesn't try to reclaim any colonies, Canada doesn't attempt to push further south, and Mexico is totally cool with letting us keep California. It is always a group of rebels fighting their own government without a peep of foreign interference, even though it would have been the perfect time for them to attack!

 This doesn't make these stories bad but it would have made the world it exist in richer. Like in Divergent wouldn't it have been interesting if Trish and her friends came across people from a different settlement and see how they react to them? After all one of the exciting thing about learning about cultures is seeing how different or similar their rules, values, and customs is from yours.

That's all I have to say on the subject so until my next post Live well, Laugh often, and Love much.

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