Saturday, October 25, 2014

WTF: Potty-Mouthed Princesses

Hello people of the Internet! The video you just watched is one of the reason why some people can not stand feminist, which is especially bad considering that I myself am a feminist. No, I am not a she-warrior man hater who think the members of my gender should rule over the race of man but I do firmly believe that to deny someone a job, health benefits, or even an education based solely on their gender is just  as wrong as basing it on their skin color or sexual orientation and is a problem that needs to be stopped in every corner of this world. However this is not the way to do it; although I do understand that they were trying to use shock value to hammer in their point by using shock value but by having young girls-between the ages of six and thirteen-to do it doesn't make you look like this:

But like this:

Because the way to get someone  to stop thinking of your group as a bunch of irrational heathens is to attack them like a bunch of irrational heathens.

This is the mentality the creators of this video have installed in those young girl's heads and it is just as as bad as the mentality they are protesting against! They teach girls that boys are chauvinistic  pigs and boys that girls are soul crushing harpies; the ignorance drowning out the message for equality for both genders.


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