Thursday, March 17, 2016

My thoughts on: Sausage Party

Hello people of the Internet! You ever go into something with a full expectation of what it is going to be only to be shocked when it turns out completely different? Well, I did when I watched the trailer for the newest animated feature Sausage Party.

Now this tailor appeared in my must watch box on you tube a few days back and I ignored because, going on the name, I thought it would just be another raunchy guy comedy only animated instead of live action. A bit snobbishly I just assumed that this flick would be nothing but a lazily put together boat for penis jokes, and the only reason why I decided to give the trailer a look last night was so that I could have something to rant about in this blog post. I started like this:

And ended like this:
Bravo Mr. Rogen 
I totally did not see the direction this film was going nor just how brilliant, and horrifying, it would be! Honestly I should have seen something like this coming, I mean, the most popular trend in animation now a days is to give human emotions to non-human things-Inside Out and Zootopia just to name a few-but to give it to food, and keep in the horrifying reality of it, is just mind blowing! I know Toy Story gave us an idea how much it can suck when no one thinks you are sentient, but due to the fact that the food in Sausage Party cannot express their emotions-terror in particular-to their humans adds a dash of panic and despair that those other movies seemed too afraid to address. 

I'm excited to see more of this movie and I hope you will too, but until my next post I hope that you Live well, Laugh often, and Love much

Gifs & Video:

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