Thursday, May 1, 2014

I need the D...Vitamins

Hello people of the internet! After this upcoming week my first year of college will be officially over and over the summer I will be getting my gastric bypass!

In other news I have finished my book The Mark of The Speaker and will be self publishing it on!

If that couldn't get any better, yesterday I found out I have a vitamin D deficiency!

Yeah as you could probably tell from this title's post my days of shunning sunlight and scarfing down on a diet of pizza and cheese burgers has now forced me to take large, green, gel capsules of the sun vitamin every Wednesday for the next 8 weeks or else I'll die! Well, not immediately, but having such low D can put me at a higher risk for cancer.
It's not that I didn't know that my eating habits were unhealthy-my mom, the ten year fitness trainer, drilled it into my head on a daily basis-but that all healthy green things were like holly water to my demonic taste buds.
In fact just looking at a head of lettuce makes me want to gag! And it's not the taste but the texture that really gets me. Ever since I was a child I couldn't eat any thing that was wet, slimy, bland, or lumpy which means all members of the vegetable group-except pickles, onions, and tomatoes-were my worst enemies.
But since I want to have a long healthy life I'm going to suck it up and try to have at least one salad a day. Pray for me people of the internet, pray for me!

Gifs Courtsey of:

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