Wednesday, May 14, 2014

WTF: Ann Coulter

Hello people of the internet. As you know last April a group of dick less cowards, known as Boko Haram, kidnapped 300 girls from their school in Nigeria. Since then their leader-who I pray burns in the deepest level of hell-has been producing viral videos claiming that the girls will be, or have already been, sold into sexual slavery. As horrible as this is it most likely would have been swept under the rug and forgotten if not for the hash-tag #bringbackourgirls created by the girl's families and loved ones.

This hash-tag blew up on Twitter earning support from politicians, celebrities, and every day people and has led Chine, England, The U.S, and other countries to send  in troops and aid in order to help rescue these girls from their captors. As heart breaking as this story is it has been subjected to merciless trolling by various people-mainly from the republican and conservative party- like Ann Coulter who in an attempt to mock First Lady Michelle Obama's picture-showed above-posted this:

You have to understand that this pile of human filth is not just mocking our first lady but a movement that was created in order to stop a terrorist group that is using kidnappings like this and mass murder of innocent people in order to take control of a whole country! I admit that at first glance  the whole twitter campaign may be stupid and shallow but when you sit down and really think about it it is a success because it makes sure that the outside world does not forget about what those girls are going through.
Atrocities like the Holocaust, the Genocide in Rwanda, and the horrors experienced by soldiers during the Vietnam war went on for as long as they did because only a small number of people knew about them and it made it easy for the rest of humanity to ignore it.  The only time we can, no, are allowed to stop hammering this hash-tag into the thoughts of the world is when these innocent children are back home with their families

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