Sunday, July 20, 2014

Why I like the RoboCop remake more than the orginal

Hello people of the Internet! As you can tell by the title today's post will be talking about why I like the remake of RoboCop  better than the original. Now before you rush to the comment section filled with fan boy rage let me make one thing clear: I do not think the original  RoboCop is a bad film. It had interesting characters, good acting, and impressive special effects. However I do believe that it failed in explaining what would happen if you put a human inside a machine.

What I like about the remake is that they showed us how Alex Murphy deals with becoming robocop. When he first wakes up and sees how little of him is actually human he is horrified and ashamed. In fact he would have rather died than have anybody-including himself-see him like that. The only reason he decides to live is because of the love he has for his wife and son and how much he wants to see them again; a need that people-especially thous who have been in major life altering incidents or accidents-can understand and empathize with. Also because of this when the doctors start tampering with his free will and draining him of his emotion we feel outraged. But when Murphy starts to fight back against the program and regain his emotions- because his family needs him-we feel his triumph and want him to succeed.

BTW This is one of my favorite movie scenes
But in the original we are shown none of this conflict. Yeah the original Murphy is a good cop and loves his family but I question how much since after he regains his memory he never tries to contact them again. Unlike in the remake Murphy's wife and son-who I don't even think are given names in the original film-think that Murphy is dead and decide to move on with their lives and Murphy lets them. Through out the three films he is completely okay with having his wife and child believe that he was brutally murdered in a warehouse. Another thing is that even though he knows OCP is behind this attempted theft of his humanity he doesn't really call them on it. He does end up bringing them down but that only after they kill a bunch of people and his partner! This all made me wonder at times if Murphy still was Murphy or was he just a machine receiving snippets of memories and emotions from the brain some scientist shoved into it.

Though both movies were entertaining and had me invested in the action it was the remake that had me invested in Alex Murphy and thus is better in my eyes. I'm sorry if you disagree but that is my opinion. So until my next post Live well, Laugh often, and Love much.


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