Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My thoughts on: Dracula Untold and The Book of Life

Hello people of the internet! Seeing as I couldn't get through my writers block I decided to surf around IMDB and found these two movies:

The first is a trailer to a movie that will tell the story of the worlds most famous and and feared vampire: Dracula. I am really interested about this film because even though I've seen hundreds of films on both Bram Stoker's Dracula and his real life inspiration Vlad Tepes I haven't seen one where the history and mythology are mixed together like it is in this film. Also the action looks looks awesome! When Dracula waterbended those bats to take out that army I knew I had to see it!

The second movie is basically a mexican retelling of The Knight's Tale from the Canterbury Tales where two friends fall in love with the same girl and two Gods-or spirits in the movie-have a bet on which one the woman will chose. However the movie focuses on one of the suitors, Monol, as he fights to return to the land of the living after one of the Gods killed him when he was about to get the girl. Even if this film is completely terrible I wouldn't regret seeing it because the animation is just breath taking. In this day and age the art of animated films is leaving the realm of hand drawn sketches and moving into CGI. Though I have seen CGI films both good and bad-I'm looking at you Food Fight-I haven't seen one like this. Instead of making the characters look like stylized humans they look like puppets and toys which is appropriate since the film is a story within a story with the main tail being told by a museum tour guide to a couple of kids.

I really hope I can catch these flicks and I suggest you do the same.


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