Monday, June 30, 2014

Why it has to stay

Hello people of the internet! I'm sure you have heard about the Supreme Court saying that Hobby Lobby can deny their female employees accesses to birth control because it violates their religious right. To that I say:
Man I love this gif!
If you ask anyone who knows me they will tell you that I am very passionate about stuff like this because I believe that being a mother, no, being a parent in  general is the most hardest job in the world. Now, I you've heard this a thousand times before-especially around mother's and father's day-but it truly is the hardest, tedious, time consuming, energy draining, insanity breaking job on this planet. For those of you who have kids you understand this pretty well but for those who don't let me put it to you this way:

Nine months after a night a of fun you get yourself a new roommate that you are completely responsible for. Everyday for the next eighteen-but technically more like twenty nine if you're lucky-years you have to make sure that this roommate is fed, clothed, educated, and healthy. As if this wasn't stressful enough  you have to meet these needs completely on your dime. Every bill and payment is completely up to you to pay off and even if this roommate wanted to help out they legally can't until the sixteenth year. On top of that whenever this roommate gets in trouble-skips class, breaks the law, curse out your neighbors-the burnt of the punishment falls on your shoulders. You might even have to pay for any tickets and fines! And if not financially you end up paying socially by having other people look down on  you for your poor management of your roommate. To make things worse if you fail to meet this roomates needs even by accident you could be put in jail! And after the eighteen years are up, after all you have sacrificed just to make sure this roommate is happy the chances are high that they will just dump you in a different apartment with a bunch of other people like you to die. And the whole reason why you go through this is because you love that roommate with all of your heart.

Now imagine going through all of that if you didn't want the child? If you made a mistake a someone forced it on you? Not only would you suffer but the child would too. I know some might argue "If you don't want the kid why not give it up for adoption?" but those people don't understand how hard giving up a child is. You're not donating an old pair of shoes but sacrificing your rights to see a being you carried inside you for nine months! For every mother who gave up their baby for adoption their are probably five who backed out  because they grew too attached and want to keep it despite if they can't even afford the baby! 

The decision to have an abortion should be completely up to the mother and no church, politician, or craft store should have the right to mess with it.

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