Sunday, June 15, 2014

My thoughts on: Avril Lavigne's Hello Kitty

Hello people of the internet! If you were to come up and ask me "Hey what type of music you like?" you would get a shrug and a mumbled "All music.". Because when it comes to music I'm not picky. I like everything from the golden relics of the classic and jazz era, to the shimmering monuments of rock and R and B, even the sparkly trinkets of pop and techno have caught my ear. However as non-fastidious as my musical selection is there are a few songs that rub me the wrong way and the Punk Princes of Rock-aka Avril Lavigne-has added to that collection with her most recent "hit"-and I use that term extremely lightly-Hello Kitty.

No, no, no not that Hello Kitty, though I wished to the all mighty God it was. I was talking about this Hello Kitty:

I'm not gonna sugar coat it people, I fucking hate this song. I originally found out about it's existence by watching a parody-which you can wath here trust me it is hilarious-and I could not believe that the song it was making fun of was real and a part of me died when I found out it was. I despise this "song"-again I use that term extremely lightly-for three specific reasons:

1. It's everything I hate about the music industry today

From it's lazy lyrics to its uninspired dubstep composition Hello Kitty is a twisted collage of all the things about modern music that I can not stand! Everytime I listen to it I feel like my intelligence is being insulted; that everyone that had a pox-infected-hand in this creation thought I was so simple that they didn't need to put in so much as a teaspoon of effort in order to entertain me! And the music be honest I don't think it is racist. To me racism is when you use the myths and stereotypes of a certain race to insult a member or members of that race because you hate them and I don't think Mrs. Lavigne hates Japanese or Asian people. However I do believe that she is ignorant of their culture outside of an anime. In fact when I first saw the music video I thought that it was just a live action version of some sugary cartoon.

For some reason I find the image on the bottom is more respectable than the one on the top

While listening I found myself cringing at both the song and Mrs. Lavigne's interpretation of the Asian pop culture. Hell, I still cringe when I think about!

2. It came out of no where

Let me be clear: I don't mind when a singer changes his or her's music style, especially when they haven't been heard from for as long as Mrs. Lavigne was. The last song of her's I listened to on the radio was What the Hell back in 2011. Granted that may not seem like a long time to some people but in the fast paced online world we live in today Mrs. Lavigne might as well have been hiding under a rock for a couple centuries. But my problem is that there was no hint that she would go this way. The songs she produced before this-my favorites being Here's to never growing up and Rock n'Roll-fooled me into thinking that Mrs. Lavigne was going back to her punk roots. Instead she made a sharp U-turn into crazy-neon-sugar-seizure-boulevard and dragged you along despite how much you fought and screamed! Now if she had taken this slow-introduced some techno beats on her other songs or pepped up her videos-then Hello Kitty wouldn't have been the full powered falcon punch to the jaw that it is!

3. I find it catchy

Despite how insulting it is to me, despite the fact that it spits in the face of everything I find good about music I can not help but find this song catchy! And the scariest part is I have no idea why! I hate the tune, I hate the lyrics, and I especially hate that juvenile and ear-stabbingly-annoying-hook but for some reason I can't help myself from singing along with it. And I hate myself for it.

Regardless I hope that this is the end of Mrs. Lavigne's journey into this form of music. She is good singer and performer and she doesn't need to sell out like this in order for her fans to like her...although acting like she likes them back wouldn't hurt.

I bet you a hundred bucks she wished she had a hazmat suit on at that moment 


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