Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Aging panic

Hello people of the internet! The video you just watched was created by the hilarious team of College Humor detailing the panic twenty year olds feel once they realize they are getting old. And while I do admit it is annoying I also believe that it is valid. You see, I believe, that the panic that the people in this age group isn't just from realizing that they a physically aging but that they are getting more and bigger responsibilities.

When you think about a lot stuff happens in your twenties: You start college, get a job, move out of your parents house, start getting serious with your boyfriend or girlfriend, maybe even get married and start a family of your own. You go through all these very adult things but a large part of you still feels like a kid and that's where the panic comes from.

You start to worry if you'll make a mistake, say or do the wrong thing and up  messing up your whole life. On top of that you start to truly become aware of not only your mortality but the mortality of those around you. As you are getting old you realize that your parents are getting old too and at some point they are going to need you just to function.

In what seems like an instance it will go from your mom putting a band aid on your cut to you scheduling doctor's appointments for her. Instead of your dad reminding you to clean your room soon you'll be reminding him to take his pills. Time is slipping through your fingers at an alarming rate and no matter how hard you try you can't stop it. As scary as this is it isn't impossible to get through.

Now I admit that I'm not some sage who has never looked in the mirror and felt a thrill of terror when she saw a grey hair. I'm still scared of adulthood but that fear lessened once I realized it is okay not to be perfect. You are going to make mistakes, big ones, but you'll learn from them. You'll take the punches and slaps maturity gives you and use the faded bruises to guide you through the rest of your life. And just like the older people in the video one day you'll look back on all the things you panicked about in your twenties and realize how small and stupid they truly were. So right now just enjoy your life and everyone you are blessed to have in it.


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