Monday, June 23, 2014

WTF!: Chinese "Crue" for internet addiction

Hello people of the internet! Hey parents, do you have a teen that is obsessed with the internet? Do you believe that their constant tweeting and instagramming is  unhealthy, unnatural, and detrimental to their health? Sadly in the USA you can only think about beating the addiction out of them but over in China you can actually send them to a camp and have the people there do it for you!

Apparently Chinese people-mainly teens-have such a bad addiction with surfing the information superhighway that not only did their country classify it as a mental disorder but camps have been created claiming that they can "cure" people of it. This would be good and dandy if the camps methods didn't end up maiming or even killing their campers.

Just last week a nineteen year old girl, Guo Lingling, died from injuries to her skull and brain which she received from a two hour beating conducted by instructors at one of these camps. During the "training session" the  girl  was kicked and forced to fall on her back and face repeatedly all because she didn't ask permission to go to the bathroom. Sadly this type of abuse is quite common in these camps and usually goes on unpunished because the camps keep the kids blocked off from the outside world and even go so far as to check their mail to make sure they aren't writing about the abuse. These kids are so desperate to get away from these monsters that when Guo's mother came to the camp to pick up her daughter's body the students threw paper at her with phone numbers and pleas for help.

This story just makes me sick. I admit that the people of today are too attached to the internet-myself included-but beating and even trying to electro shock the addiction out of them isn't going to work! My heart goes out to Guo's family and all the other kids who are currently suffering in camps like this.


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