Saturday, June 14, 2014


Hello people of the internet! Though what I am about to say is sure to ruffle a few feathers it has to be said: I wish summer was shorter. Yes, I like that these three months of academic freedom grant me the liberty of sleeping in, going to the pool everyday, and to walk around my living space with nothing but an old T shirt and underwear the magic of summer vaca gets old pretty fast.

This feeling didn't come on recently, I have felt this way as far back as middle school. In fact I remember this one summer vacation where my mom asked me to help her paint her room. It was the second month in and I was so bored that breathing in paint fumes for a a few hours sounded like a trip to Disney world! With my enthusiasm the primer was put up in minutes and we had to wait for it to dry before we could put on the top coat. But instead of following my mom's lead and going out to get some fresh air I sat down on the bed and watched it dry.

You heard me right, I was so bored that I sat there for a whole hour  watching paint dry. And you want to know what the scary thing was? That was one of the most entertaining moments of that summer! Well other than when my mom almost killed us by using bleach and ammonia to clean the floors, but that is another story for another day. The point is summer vacation is horrible and I'm not the only one who thinks so!

A study conducted in the state if Texas showed that up to 1.9 million children go hungry during the summer vacation because they depend on the school for their lunch and breakfast. Teachers and other school staff suffer too since they don't get paid on the break. On top of that kids lose two months worth of knowledge during the break and I know that is not exaggeration. I remember on the first day back talking to kids who had forgotten how to multiply and even add!

Now I'm not saying that we should get rid of summer vacation all together. I do believe that it is a good thing to give kids a break but instead of one huge three month one the schools should just make one or two more two week breaks or add on a few more days to the one they already have.

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