Thursday, June 26, 2014

My thoughts on: Supreme court buffer ruling

Hello people of the internet! Before today abortion clinics in Massachusetts were allowed to set up a  non-protesting or buffer zone around their property in order to protect their patients from pro-life protestors. But unfortunately as of today the Supreme Court has decided to strike down this measure of protection and to that I have this to say:

And the boat your granny came on
Contrary to pro-life beliefs abortions are not an easy way out for woman but a hard and heartbreaking decision. It could be that the woman would die if she went through the pregnancy or that she was raped and can not stand the stress of carrying her attackers baby. Sometimes it could simply be because she is not financially or emotionally ready to become  a mother. Despite their reason every woman should have the right to have an abortion without being harassed by a bunch of religious bigots!


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