Saturday, March 29, 2014

Don't paink

Hello people of the internet and happy April Fools eve! Now, I know this is technically not a holiday but I am making it up in order to warn you not to paink  your friends and/or loved tomorrow. No, paink is  not a typo but another new thing I came up which means you, the pranker, do a prank that intentionally causes the prankee some form of pain. For example this:
And this:

And especially this:

Not only are these pranks chalked full of serious consequences for the prankee but also for the pranker. For instance if someone did this to me:
While they're busy laughing their asses off I'm going to be calling the cops and having them arrested for simple assault! That is if I can resist the urge to scalp them with a dull butter knife. Painking is only fun for the pranker, which in my opinion, is not a good prank. What is a good one is when after their heart beat has calmed down and the embarrassment has ebbed away the prankee can find the humor in it as well and not a pen to fill out a police  report. So avoid the clank and don't paink

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