Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Hello people of the internet! I was going to post some of my favorite and most hated amusement park rides but then, while watching OMG Insider I stumbled across this baby:

Maleficent isn't just one of my favorite Disney villains but  one of my favorite fictional villains period! Every single one of her scenes in the original animated film terrified me as a kid and as a young adult I can't help but admire the grace, poise, and power she carries with her at all time. When I first heard that they were going to make this into a live action film way back in 2013 I was a little skeptical, especially consider how live action adaptations of fairy tails have been swings and misses over the past few years.
But the second I watched the teaser and saw how the lovely Angelina Jolie flawlessly brought my favorite mistress of darkness to life I was hooked! Now looking at this trailer it seems that Maleficent and King Stefan are going to have some bad history between them and for a couple of seconds I was disappointing.
 Like I said Maleficent is one of my favorite villains and one of the things I liked about her was how evil she could be: She terrorized an entire kingdom for sixteen years, cruelly mocked a prince she had in clutches, and placed a curse on an innocent-and painfully dull-girl all because she didn't get invited to a birthday party!
To cheapen such grade A evil by casting the villain in the role of a "wronged anti-hero" or "The victim of society  imaging and discrimination" would be like watering down a century old wine with tap water to serve at a college mixer!
But after I calmed down I realized something: Although causing such misery is evil to do it over something so small would be pointless and a waist of time. If Maleficent ever existed in the real world she'd most likely be the CEO of a business empire or even through ruler of an entire nation, a tough as nails bitch who could destroy you with her little finger and a tube of lipstick. Kicking up a fuss over something so small sounds like something a bratty teen would do and not a woman who could take over the earth and watch its leaders squirm as she sold it back to them. So, yeah, I'm cool with King Stefan possibly being a douche who messed with the wrong fairy and you bet your Micky Mouse covered shorts I'm going to be one of the first to see Maleficent when it comes out in theaters! 

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